The Quest Server Is Back Up

The server was down. Now it's back.

This has been a public service announcement.

There is still no advertising on the site? I'm only fussing about this because I'd assumed the resulting income covered the hosting costs?

There is still no advertising on the site?

It looks like the adsense iframe contains a document with a bunch of metadata in the head, but nothing in the body. No idea why, but my first guess would be that adsense is having problems of some kind. Possibly related to the mass google outage a while back?

Might be worth whoever has the account logging into ads and making sure that all the information there is correct.

I'd assumed the resulting income covered the hosting costs?

Might be worth whoever has the account logging into ads and making sure that all the information there is correct.

I just shot a DM to manowar concerning this. (It seemed important.) He said thanks to everyone, and they're already working on it.

The advertising on the site has disappeared again?

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