After Adam and Eve ate from the tree of knowledge...God kicked them out of the garden of Eden so that they may not also eat from the tree of life and live forever. God then hid the garden in a place that they could never reach.
However, thousands of years has found the resources and technology that allows them to stumble upon it in Antarctica.
What they come to find though, is that reaching the garden may not be as easy as they thought. For a dark and evil underworld surrounds it and on their quest to get there...they may just become lost within their own Hell.
For more than three years now I have been working on this game. It features a ton of graphics including a very unique mapping system that becomes more colorful as you progress. It includes many hidden tasks and secret bonuses to be found. There are alternate endings depending on how you play and though it is possible to never really do.
Voted best game of the my family and friends :)...Artic Eden is certain to become an all time favorite.
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Written by RobBronson
Plays 1334
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Written for Quest 5.5
Published 11 Oct 2019
Updated 10 Nov 2019