Barbarian by Tim Hamilton

You play as Tandum the son of a barbarian chieftan. One day some red cloaked figures pay your father a visit and you come home to find him dead. Will you be able to take your place as chieftan or will you be thwarted by the shifty thorgin. This game I believe is much easier than my previous two. The category should probably be fantasy or rpg.

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Review by Regisblackgaard
15 Dec 2016
Had a lot of potential, until [internal error]

Review by gollummen
10 Aug 2016
Had a lot of potential, until [internal error]

Had a lot of potential, until [internal error]

Review by nicjames
26 Dec 2014
Amazing game! took awhile, but definitely worth it. great ending.

Review by Wild
03 Oct 2013
Great Game, I got stuck, but it's nothing, because this problems make me more like this game.

Review by Rowan42
06 Aug 2013
Awesome game - hence the five - but I'm a bit stuck now. I am standing in front of the stone door in the graveyard, having beaten the skeleton.

I have in my inventory:

Pile of bones
Bear head
Tree branch
Vase (from the mantel in the hall in the village)
Studded leather (which I only just put on)

Not at all sure how to progress, but it is a fantastic game, with all the elemements for a great game in just the right amounts Brilliant.

If anyone can help, please reply


Review by najas15
01 Aug 2013
Max Health : 17
Health : 5
Score : 260/250
Copper : 102
I don't know how i got that score, but this was a really fun game. Thanks!

Review by Alexandre Torres
11 Aug 2012
Ok, that's is it. The modal window prevents me of seeing the figures. Create a game that is nice to play, and them preventing the player to advance because of a bug, this deserves the worst possible rating. Sorry.

Review by Joseph Bell
25 May 2012
fantastic so far, but I don't know how to get into my window or how to give the green potion to the horse! Please help me with wording my requests!

Review by sarah4
15 Mar 2012
Wonderful game, lots of colourful characters and intriguing puzzles, I'm not usually into games that involve violence but found I was able to enjoy the game despite the fighting elements because there was so much more to it, well done on making such intricate, challenging games!

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