Escape Darian's Bedroom by nathans

This game was added to the Sandpit for the following reason: Too short

This game is too short to be put into a category. Players expect games not to be all over within a few seconds.
This game will change your life. Play it, win it, marry it, whatever you creeps want to do. Just don't steal this marvelous idea of a game. Especially you Dykstra.

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Review by Josiah18
04 May 2015
This game was so life changing. I saw that earlobe and I wanted to eat it so bad, I come from a background where that would be okay and then it said " do not eat that earlobe, that is gross" I felt something inside of me that changed the way i look at earlobes. You see I went through a very dark stage in my life where I thought I hit rock bottom. All I could think about were earlobes all day every day and all of a sudden i saw this game and i was like "mm I hope this game has earlobes" and it did but not the way i expected you shed light on a dark matter in my life and I am forever changed because of you. Thank You.

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Written for Quest 5.5
Added 27 Apr 2015
Updated 28 Apr 2015





