It is Halloween. The night you are always so afraid of. Only Christmas is worse. You hate sharing you sweets with noisy children and therefore choose to defend them with your life!
I´m sorry about the layout. The pictures sometimes require you to scroll down in order to be able to type.
Hint (Only read this if you´re stuck in the basement and can only go up again):
You need to find a flashlight and of course you need to turn it on in the basement. The game won´t notify you about a new exit to the garden but you should be able to go "out" into the garden.
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It is a bit short and easy to solve, but I like the idea of it and the story behind. It is good as a first try. This adventure could be expanded as the basic idea is really good.
Quite interesting and fun but rather buggy and the pictures almost make it impossible to type :(
Also, why do I have to go into the closet before entering the bathroom? I would have bought it if there'd been some kind of explanation. Even a magical barrier would have done.
But this text adventure is still ok since it's your first.
Interesting concept, but the game itself is very simplistic. Some parts don't make much sense (SPOILERS HERE); for instance, I thought it very odd that I had to go in the closet before I could go in the bathroom. Also, killing the child after talking to the puppet does not remove the child from the game, which means that you can kill it indefinitely. You can't eat any of your candy, a strange error considering that the player goes on and on about candy. The fight with the evil children was boring, and the game was far too easy.
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Written by Trasumien
Plays 3280
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Written for Quest 5.4
Published 14 Apr 2013
Updated 14 Apr 2013
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