Henry Clarke and the Kingsway Case by ViralJZ

Take the reins of Henry Clarke's life (a member of the Improvement Committee on the LCC) for a Tuesday evening as you explore Spring Gardens and the area surrounding. You're in the market for testimonies, any will do, as long as they can be used in some way to convince other committee members that Kingsway is a necessary construction project.

Humans however are difficult, and most you find won't talk without something in return. Race against the clock to partake in as many of these exchanges as possible, and luckily, if you have scored enough points by 8:00pm, you may just get the mark of approval from the LCC you need to proclaim a new future for the Imperial Metropolis.

Thanks to:
Michael Kovich - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfzjrpbCd6MaSoYCMav4lJw, History ASMR - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBTH-WZjurl01NKi7O7dFog, Berlin Atmospheres - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCASiqmfYr9dXqZAdap8AfcQ and TheMSSoundeffects - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCH-ZgYzzenGoSZ9-QUy5Dvw for ambient audio.

Arguments formed from information gained through primary and (few) secondary sources discussed in methodology.

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Written for Quest 5.5
Published 13 Dec 2016

