Sgrub by TheRaven789

This game was added to the Sandpit for the following reason: Too short

This game is too short to be put into a category. Players expect games not to be all over within a few seconds.
Hopefully this will work out, and it'll take a bit, but welcome to Sgrub! This is a wonderful land of horned aliens and magic. You are a troll on Alternia that's going to go places! It will be helpful if you read Homestuck, as this is based off of it. There will be no canon charaters from Homestuck, however I MAY add some cameos. ;3 It's not done yet but I'm working on it.
ACT 1 COMPLETE. YEA! That took awhile. Um, I added a secret, I added weapons, I added QUITE a lot sense last time. I will update/change this still, however Act 1's frame is up. If you get stuck, go to Homestuck and refresh how to do all of this. THERE WILL BE MORE, but this is an update. Review! :3

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Review by Chance Alciel
20 Jul 2017
God Damn... If this is ever up d8ted, I*ll be so f***ing happy, it*s not even funny ::::)

Review by NepetaVantas
12 Jul 2017
AMAZING!!!!!! :33 I l9ved it! #goodreplica #notriggers #diedmidgame

14 Jan 2017
pretty good

Review by Homestuckgirl
17 Dec 2015
This is pretty awesome. I like the way you say things as you pick them up and stuff. Good job.

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Added 29 Nov 2015
Updated 08 Feb 2016





