Create your Own Warrior Cat! by Willowdapple

This game was added to the Sandpit for the following reason: Missing choices

There are not enough choices in this game - interactive fiction is supposed to be interactive!
Ever wonder what you would be like if you were a warrior cat? Now you can find out! Just follow the instructions and have fun! Use your personal information (like name, favorite things, hair color, etc.) to become a cat! Will you be a beautiful kittypet, hoping for her true love? Or an ordinary, boring apprentice who has a hidden, adventurous side? Find out now!

Please leave a comment about what your cat is like! See examples in the comments and in the game.
Also, leave me a review! I'll put people in the shoutouts if you give me 5 stars or ideas on how to make it even better!

Write down your answers. (Trust me, you'll need it)


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06 Oct 2021
Not many options to choose from. Only like 4 personality options. Appearance shouldn't be based on what you look like, as most people have brown hair and almost everybody's character would be a brown cat. It definitely needs way more options.

Review by TriangleGames
12 Apr 2021
I've only given you two stars, but there is fun and potential here. I like your ideas, but they're not implemented as well as they could be. I would recommend updating it.

The issue with this as a work of interactive fiction is partially stated in its placement in the sandbox: not enough choices. You actually have quite a few choices here, but we are asked to take notes instead of the game actually handling our selections as we go along.

The use of the word "tribe" in my name/rank (E) feels a little confusing/redundant seen next to a separate "clan" designation.

I take issue with the vote concept. My favorite of the three stories does not result in the personality that makes sense for me or that I would choose, and it isn't the game I would personal recommend to you as someone as a first game in interactive fiction. I refer to the surprise party. This has all the trappings of a hilarious comedy of errs, but they are marked by having many moving parts that become confusing to the characters in the story. That would be fun to play, but a confusing nightmare to design!

Review by goodbunny2
09 Apr 2021

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