Aftermath by WaffleCopter

In the aftermath of World War III, people are desperate to survive the hordes of deadly Prowlers that were spawned by mankind's weapons of mass destruction. The only beacon of hope are colonies scattered around the United States where people can be safe from the Prowlers. You must get to one of these colonies to stay alive.

Note: this isn't the completed work. I wanted to put the beginning out so I could get some feedback on what to change before I get too far into the game. It will be finished, I just wanted to see how I could improve it. The story will be somewhat like The Walking Dead game's where the same basic story line is followed, but with character interactions and some events different based on the player's choices.

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Review by MrPikmin16
07 Aug 2017
This is really good so far and it's a shame it was never finished.

Review by hrowe26
07 Jun 2016
its way to short

Review by jamesishigh
28 Mar 2016
I really liked but it would be great if you finished it

Review by Stryker
27 Oct 2015
Is this finished?
Cause im not satasfied

Review by MrWiddershins
16 Jun 2014
I though it was really good, even for a demo.

Review by Dynasty
30 May 2014
loved it. just don't ask why.

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Written for Quest 5.5
Published 10 May 2014
Updated 12 Nov 2014





