Into the Dragon's Den by XanMag

If Dr. Seuss designed on Quest,
this may what became his best.
The adventures within this game,
will bring you danger, gold, and fame.

Your job's to join an elite crew
of thieves, of cons, and bandits, too.
So jump into this game I dare
and see what fortunes will you fare.

But, you've been warned about the end.
The dragon there is not your friend.
I wish you luck when in this bout,
Go out and earn that God-like clout.

Place your blame away from me,
it is The Pixie vixen be.

Oh, the game is very simple, yes.
Verbs are few to avoid a mess
so use 'use', 'use on' quite a lot,
'attack', 'kill', 'put', 'put on' are not.

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22 Sep 2019
WOW! The mini rhymes are SO GOOD. You probably worked hard on this game!!!😱

Review by Richard Headkid
23 Jul 2017
I played it and died.
Then I tried it again.
'Twas fun through and through!
Don't give up 'til you win!

Review by _HyperVortex_
19 Apr 2016
This is really good but i cant get the right answer to Shay's questions!!!!!!

Review by Nick_Crafter
11 Apr 2016
Clark is a dick.
Alison is too carefull.
We are a liar, savage, wimp, cheat and gamer.


Review by Marzipan
03 Apr 2016
Had some fun with this this morning. It's cute, light-hearted fun and I'd recommend it. Still haven't quite figured out the first riddle from Shay, but the second is easy enough so no trouble getting past her. Got a little stuck on the bear but I'll ask more about that and a couple of smaller issues I spotted over a forum PM.

I"m almost tempted to do the rhyming thing now, but trying to come up with this many even for a small game I'm guessing is something that would start out fun, and end with XanMag pulling his hair out and beating his head on the desk. :P

Er, I mean...

This game you should play,
Though I really must say,
All these rhymes, I fear
Had the author in tears,
Fuming at the Pixie's curse,
Course set, for better or worse.

Perhaps next time you,
should go with haiku?

Review by Elite Tech
02 Apr 2016
A nice experience through and through, but not exactly Final Fantasy, but I won't hold the measuring stick up that high. Nice job, man.

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Written for Quest 5.5
Published 01 Apr 2016
Updated 01 May 2016





