Survival: The Nightmare Begins by Zwolf

It's a nice Monday morning, and you play as a 17 year old high school student. You go to school, talk with friends, normal day of a high school student. At the start of your first class, then everything goes haywire. You must survive the extreme horrors that block your path to escape the school. Will you leave alone or will you bring survivors?

There's multiple endings to this game, so I hope you enjoy! The artwork in this game are created by me, please do not use these pics without my permission.
Here is the link to the story version:

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Review by emmodii
23 Sep 2017
Had potential, but why comic sans... And the way you typed things... Why the emotes? Why do you phrase things a certain way? I get this is taking place in a high school, but with that kind of speech, it severely kills the mood. Additionally, black background with white text is actually tiring for the eyes and kinda straining, due to the major contrast.

Review by mentlegen
15 Feb 2017
It was good but a little bit more choices

Review by Laufeia
29 Apr 2016
Good beginning of story. Interested to see what happens. Liked the art.

Review by ShaneZ
08 Jan 2016
Okay, let's begin with our little review on 'Survival: The Nightmare Begins'.
This game looked promising, and the cover looked all right.
But when I opened up the game, it hit me.
The grammar was also slightly poor, but it was obvious they worked hard on this game so I'm giving them that.
I did not finish the game due to the comic sans.

Review by jgonsalves
13 Oct 2015
I like the ideas on how the character thought andchoice of reactions

Review by trks9
22 Sep 2015
Little short, otherwise pretty good game. :)

Review by ChrisSmith4773
05 Sep 2015
The was a good story. Short, but well written. The illustrations were quite good as well. Looking forward to a sequel!

Review by Mango art
26 Aug 2015
Amazing. I liked the development of the characters, like you really got to know them.

Review by Mediking
14 Mar 2015
This was awesome!! I really enjoyed your writing and the wide variety of scenario possibilities! Don't give up. This was fun!!!

Review by MrPikmin16
05 Mar 2015
I love it so far! :)

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Written for Quest 5.5
Published 05 Mar 2015
Updated 26 Aug 2015





