The French Revolution in a Day by ashjlr

One day you wake up in a time before you were even born, during the French Revolution. But, it seems to go by really quick...

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Review by thatonewriter
31 Jan 2021
Easy to understand story, although I believe there are some historical inaccuracies. The overuse of newspapers and handholding to guide you through the story let me down quite a bit, it would've been nice to explore on my own rather than have some kind of voice in my head telling me "Hey. Go east to the tavern." The ending was predictable, but at least it was kept fairly short. The details thrown all around are noticeable. This must've taken quite a bit of study and research which is commendable. Overall it's okay, if I was a history buff I might've enjoyed this a little, but I'm not and this was a decent story to burn maybe 10-20 minutes on. Good work.

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Published 31 Jan 2021

