The Migrant by heckgeog2

This is a story where you are the lead player. Will you make the right choices in order to give your family a better life?

Remember to use the events in the story to complete your table.

Designed for GCSE Geography lesson AQA Spec

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Review by OttoVonBismarck II
13 May 2019
A very nice and interesting as well as informative game. A few spelling mistakes, but on the whole a fantastic experience.

Review by Thule Kingdom
20 May 2016
This game is well written and a great way of story telling. Everyone playing this game will feel like an actual migrant. Stunning photos. Good complexity of the decision making process and its consequences. I really like it.

01 Feb 2016
I sold my kidney 20 times to a black market dealer.

Review by flysquirrel775
25 Jan 2016
Nice game about the life of a migrant in the middle east. Real life photographs make this game much more interesting to play. Good job!

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