
Reviews by jimjimjimjimjimjimjim123

Review for G.r.o.s.s.
24 Mar 2016
The spelling is so terrible. There is no description of anything. No story. No real choices to make. Having to choices and one kills you instantly and the other doesn't does not count as a choice. Only one ending. Overall this game is really boring and not fun at all. Also is not an horror like it says in the title. I have no idea why it is called G.r.o.s.s. The description tells you nothing about the game and is also a lie. The only possible enjoyment to come out of this game is laughing at the spelling mistakes.

Review for The Migrant
01 Feb 2016
I sold my kidney 20 times to a black market dealer.

21 Jan 2016
Try again!

Review for ELSE SCHOOL
21 Jan 2016
There are no meaningful choices at all. Don't put unfinished games here. Also no one is scared.

Review for Eff O'Clock
20 Jan 2016
Terrible. Don't play.

Review for Black River Alpha
20 Jan 2016
This game is nothing. Their is nothing at all to do.

20 Jan 2016
I don't get it. Is their a way to beat the game? Is this game finished? Can you do anything at all other than wander around? Don't play this game at all because it is nothing.

Review for the stanley parable
20 Jan 2016
It ain't very good. So many spelling errors, narration is terrible, not many choices, not very good or any better at all then the real game. If people want to play the Stanley Parable they will play it instead of this goat poop. Unless there's a market for terrible Stanley Parable text adventure games, which would most likely be copyright infringement if the people who made the Stanley Parable cared at all, then no one will play your game.

20 Jan 2016
It was not that good. Their weren't many choices and they did not seem to have much of an impact. Also the story wasn't that good.

Review for The Stuggle
20 Jan 2016
I this a game? Are their any choices? I have play the game five times over and I can't figure it out. Is there something I am missing?

Review for Three Life Choices
20 Jan 2016
It is not a game and it sucks a hole lot. Terrible.

Review for spondre
17 Jan 2016
I liked it.





