Dungeon Quest by SilverSpadeAce

In this game, you are a prince who has woken up in a dungeon. You must find your way out or get dungeon raped, it's your choice.
This game is currently in development. The product I am uploading is playable and fun but it is not finished. I have self composed music I am going to add. I might add more levels. Maybe even a battle system. Give me feedback at [email protected]. I accept everything from level suggestion to images. I will be crediting all who provide some sort of help. Some examples of credible support include; artwork, story/level suggestions, useful feedback, and advertisement. Advertisement is categorized as anyone who helps spread the word of this game with out claiming credit for it's creation. To get credit for advertisement you must send me a link to the site in which you advertised the game so I can see proof that you actually did advertise it. All manner of sites are acceptable. Whether it is Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, or even a forum. Thank you for your support and feel free to email me with anything relating to this game. Almost nothing is too frivolous to waste my time as long as it is related to this game.

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Review by Regisblackgaard
24 Oct 2016

Review by Yazy
10 Aug 2015

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Written for Quest 5.5
Published 09 Aug 2015
Updated 16 Aug 2015

