Venus Meets Venus by kaleidofish

Two women meet in a bar. This is not a love story.

(Mature content warning.)
Information in this game listing is copyright Mr. Patient, Kake, Jason McIntosh, is taken from IFDB, and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License.
Review by Amora Zion
05 Jun 2023
Dude, I freaking love this, very emotional. It made me imagine myself in it!

Review by sillylittlepuppy
18 Aug 2021
From what I've done of it, it's awesome. But when I go to click on You're A B**** it goes to an error 404 page. :( Please fix!

Review by Mad Rex
25 Aug 2020
You need to publish this in more places. It should be seen by anyone and everyone.

(I made a new account just to say this.)

Review by sunfestal
29 Jul 2020
That was incredible.

Review by MelissaGamer
04 Nov 2018
I may not be in the LGBT+ community, at least I don't think so, but this story was amazing. More people need to see this, especially younger kids like me.

Review by jmnevil54
04 Nov 2018
I'm still confused as to what happened. I skipped through a lot of this game. It just isn't my type of story, too boring, too sexual. Then the plot hit me like a ton of bricks. A girl has a girlfriend. Girl 2 leaves, girl 1 cheats on her with a girl she met at a bar, a trans girl with a penis. Then girl 1 forgets girl 3 and forgets ever being with her. Girl 2 finds out, and is super mad, but cannot find a good reason to break up. Also, the author implied girl 1 might be pregnant with girl 3's child, but it was never addressed again, so apparently she wasn't.

Excellent story, if you're into that sort of thing.

Review by FantasyLand
03 Nov 2018
Amazing. Just amazing.

Review by Jellylake
18 Feb 2018
Absolutely incredible. This reads like a poem. This is art at one of its finest

Review by SELI-chan
08 Dec 2017
I actually started tearing up when I was reading this. It's more of a poem than a game, but...god. At first I went in thinking it was going to be a story or game about gay girls picking up gay girls written by a straight person but I really couldn't be more wrong. It's so much more than just a love story, and it WILL have you in tears, especially if you've been in any sort of similar situation to either Lynn or Macy, which I have (both). I wouldn't be surprised if this wasn't at least partially autobiographical

Review by ForeverInGame
30 May 2017
This short story had me on an emotional roller coaster throughout. I found myself relating to Lynn very strongly.. The writing style felt like I was really in the mind of Lynn, feeling all of the uncertainty, confusion, and desires she was having. It's difficult to put into words just how great of a story this is. I think the best way to dictate how powerful this story was is to say that I finished the story feeling a great deal of stress, followed by crying that resulted in me rethinking some life decisions of mine. This isn't a feel-good story, but it is still one I would strongly recommend, and one that I will likely come back to in some time.

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External Link
Published 01 Oct 2014
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