What happened? by Claire6129

You wake up in a dark room.
You're memory has been whipped, though you remember someone… a girl… she had screamed… the rest is hard to make out...
The only source of light is from a window, though it's locked. The moonlight shines through the window and reveals a chair, and on another wall is a door….

As you look at the chair, you remember a note, it was placed on that exact chair, though you don't remember anything else.
Don't comment on the music, because this one is free and I only have to include this;

"hydroscope" by Gallery Six (http://soundcloud.com/gallery-six)

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Review by emmodii
23 Sep 2017
All I can say is... What? That's it?

Several unanswered questions, several spelling errors and the like, very difficult to get invested in the story and honestly? Not even remotely creepy or scary.

Review by EvergreenEclipse
16 Sep 2014
Mate. That was the best dang text-based story I've ever seen. is that really the end? if it is, then Oooooh! Spooky! if not, I seriously can't wait to see what you do next!. it was rather short, but at least I didn't die the first door I opened, lol. :)

Review by honestly
08 Aug 2014
I loved it!

Review by dogtreatwoofz
07 Aug 2014
Dont really like it. Its so connfusing.

Review by AtomicMegadeath
11 Jun 2014
There were a lot of spelling errors, and I personally didn't find myself invested in the plot at all. I get what the author was trying to do, but the way it was executed... I dunno, I guess it just didn't work for me.

All I can really say? Meh. Not terrible, but really not very impressive.

Review by Stewie_Griffin
10 Apr 2014
very interesting, enjoyed the fact of the unanswered question.... Leaves me thinking haha overall a great game :)

Review by nothingthtmuch
27 Feb 2014
I liked the overall feel of this game! It left a lot of unanswered questions - which is a good thing. It had a great atmosphere but could be a little longer - anyway, it was good :)

Review by thepanpiper
29 Jan 2014
There are a lot of spelling errors. Also, it's a bit too short. I get the idea and everything about why it's short, but there's not enough time to get interested in it.

Review by Paper Asssassin
19 Jan 2014
This game has some of the creepiest music I ever heard. It's sending shivers down my spine. I don't really understand the ending though. What happened to the girl? And what happened to you?

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Written for Quest 5.4
Published 19 Jan 2014
Updated 26 Jan 2014





