Black & White Love by Newwwwwho

Black & White Love

This story is about a black man named Darryl falling in love with a white French woman named Estelle and marrying her and making sextuplets, these babies are all girls, three of them look white with afros, three looks black with afros.

Estelle is French by blood but not nationality, her great-great-grandmother was adopted by Jews, remember "The Kid?"

This is a Sequel to "The Kid."

You know, Estella's mom Stacy, her dad James/Victor? THIS IS Estella! Estelle is actually Estella but her husband calls her Estelle because it sounds nicer.

This story DOES take place in the future.

Darryl has six sextuplet daughters by her:
Esmée (Looks white with an afro)
Cadence (Looks white with an afro)
Dominique (Looks white with an afro)
Danielle (Looks black with an afro)
Emile (Looks black with an afro)
Celeste (Looks black with an afro)

When Estella found out she was French by blood, she named the babies these French names to acknowledge the culture.

This is a Sequel to the Show "The Kid" About Sarah a.k.a. Kikiland and James a.k.a. Vince and Estella a.k.a. Estelle.

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Written for Quest 5.8
Published 01 Jun 2021
Updated 02 Apr 2022

