Life in the 1600s by CAAYr67

Discover the history of Canada by becoming someone from the 1600s. This game in both entertaining and educational. Some stories have hundreds of choices and many have images. You can live in Canada as a First Nations, move there from Europe, and live in many places in Britain and France. After choosing to live in any of these locations you also have the option of being female or male. You don't have to marry if you don't want to! You can run away and have many interesting adventures.

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Review by Socyda
17 Apr 2021
Gives a fun and slightly educational perspective on what a life might be like in the 1600s. To me it seems reasonably believable with regards to the setting and it has some nice descriptions of for example why a certain choice was favored. However, most paths are shallow, with only 1 or 2 choices once you decide where you live and your gender. Apart from that the writing is sometimes off when it comes to specific paths due to having multiple ways of getting to a certain point. For example the game assumes you have already married when you get employed for certain kinds of "female" work, despite you deciding explicitly to work before marriage. To summarise I found the game to work while being somewhat unimpressive. Would have prefered more focus on a more narrow path while dropping most of them.

Review by Popping_Angiee
13 Feb 2021
yes. good game unu

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Written for Quest 5.8
Published 19 Mar 2021





