Warrior Cats: Part 4 by Warriorcats908

Note from Warriorcats908: To those who have been playing my series, thank you for playing and I apologize for making you wait for sooooo long but during the global event that has happened, I expected that I would have more time to create Part 4 but I have been busy taking care of my family but they didn't get the virus which is a good thing. But anyways, here is Part 4, the next part you've all been waiting for!

*By the way, I kept reading the prophecy I made and I thought that it needed improvement. So I changed the prophecy and it goes like this: 'One out of three of a kin will be the light to save the clans. From the movement of water will come the thunder and the wild cat. From the fast and the speed will come the rapid, the flower and the snake. From the shades and the not-actually-chilled hearted will come the opposite of the sun and the sky that holds the stars. And from the brave and the the respectful will be the light, the bird and the brilliant.' Yes, it is a very big prophecy and somehow the cats could remember all that. So hope you like the new and improved prophecy and just forget about the old and boring prophecy.

Welcome back to Warrior Cats! The Gathering has finished and you are on your way back to ThunderClan camp. After you hear the prophecy once more, you remember the look on all the cats faces and a few prideful ones as if they were the ones to be a part of the prophecy. As you grow and your siblings grow older, just a few more moons left until you become a warrior. But as you grow, dangers become more fierce and challenges become tougher until the day comes. Will you do the best you can for your Clan until you become a warrior?

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Review by Fernpool
16 Jun 2023
I like it a lot!👍

Review by goodbunny2
29 May 2021
I mean I've seen better...

But keep up the good work! I'm sure some people are into this sorta stuff. There aren't many good warriors games out there - most of the GOOD ones are underrated. This one is okay though!

Anyway, all that aside, I do think your plot is overrated - like literally, 3 cats with a prophecy to save the clans? Sound familiar? The books themselves use that exact plot. If you want to copy it, Copy it better than THIS.

It is incredibly obvious that the three antagonists are going to be in the prophecy. Like really obvious. It makes the game lose fun with that much FORESHADOWING.

I would like you to actually SPACE OUT your freaking lines too. My eyes hurt from reading all of that... and it wasn't even worth it! This is so short with so little plot development!

Also.. FREAKING do better grammar. You've reviewed and critized many peoples' work, but yours isn't matching you're OWN standards.

But if you throw away all that, then otherwise it's great... i can see a lot of effort put into it too, so props to you! Good job on this!

Anyway, if you still aren't mad at me yet, check out my text adventure game! (warriors)

It's defiantly NOT perfect, but I'd appreciate if you reviewed or something....


OK game!

Review by Stormystar
27 Apr 2021

Review by •SpiritFur•
22 Jan 2021
I literally Love this, I cannot wait for Part 5!

Review by warri0rcats
07 Aug 2020

i love how you changed the prophecy to be more interesting and I really enjoyed how much effort was put into this! Also I can't wait for part five!

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