picturesque by grifen

The room, once devoid of light, was suddenly illuminated as soon as you had entered.
Though even the brightest of flames were bound to flicker out.

02/18/23 Update:
It's been nearly four years since I first and last checked in on here, but I just wanted to say I did not expect 1000+ plays at all. So, if you've given this interactive fiction piece a glance, I just wanted to say thank you! This was my attempt at playing around with Twine for the first time for a media course project back in university, so I did the barest minimum before I submitted this. After re-reading it recently though, I do want to make some minor changes. Hopefully, I can re-familiarize myself with Twine much easier this time!
Review by broadwaydude
23 Feb 2023
Short and effective. A game of this scale can easily fall into the realm of inmemorable. It risks limiting player interaction to such an extreme that it becomes a book with an indecisive ending.

But the storytelling was fully present.

The slight use of color. The very well selected and placed music. Short sections and paragraphs packed with immersive writing.

A successful prototype indeed. Especially since you’ve been revisiting this game for updates, I would love to see an expanded version, or at minimum, more from this author.

Review by Eliza271
03 Jun 2020
Well then. Goddamn. That packed more emotion than most movies. Reminds me of "All the Cares in the World" by Isaac Asimov. Digital art can't be so bad if it's all this high quality.

Review by iiyfr
26 Dec 2018
Philip K. Dick's novel Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? is a famous piece that makes us wonder: "What does it mean to be human?" In this short interactive game, the players are introduced to the same concept. Among a crowd of abandoned and unfinished art, the protagonist is attracted to a single piece: a cyborg. The cyborg's diction is warm and it has a friendly personality, but the deep scars imply something different. Despite its potential to create waves as powerful as a tsunami in the world, Epsilon remains in a room full of abandoned art - unacknowledged by even its creator. In the end, even Epsilon regrets his own existence - resorting to self-destruction because he sees his life as worthless. Epsilon believes that, as digital art becomes the norm, traditional art, will soon fade out of existence. Contrary to his beliefs, I sincerely doubt the Nelson Atkins Museum would display an exclusive Ace Attorney exhibition and charge $20 per adult, as it does with its Napoleon exhibition, available until March 10th. The protagonist struggles with what to do with Epsilon. Even though this was their first meeting, the protagonist has formed a bond with Epsilon over the semester - curious glances at what they thought was one classmate was, in reality, two classmates. One abandoned their friend - their creation, and the other constantly tries to end their life. Regardless of what the protagonist does, [click to reveal spoilers]

TLDR; I didn't know what I expected, but I teared up. I should have heeded frankie's warning. 10/10

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Published 10 Apr 2019
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