Missing Dog by Emily Strong

A few days ago you found a lost puppy. Today you see a sign about a Lost Dog that looks exactly like the puppy you found. Look for clues to find the owner of the missing dog.

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Review by Spellcaster73au
11 Nov 2003
Game isnt too bad to play. Just wondering if anyone had been able to actually finish the game.

I cannot open the game using the editor as i need an earlier version of the editor.

Alas there went that idea of trying to cheat to win it.


Review by Carlii Cortez1
01 Jul 2002
This game isn't half bad. It actually has a plot and a 'quest' so to speak. Could have been longer though. Some bits are a little tough, so you might have to cheat by opening it up with QDK but otherwise this is a pretty good game. Spelling & grammar are sound and the design is overall satisfying.

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Added 25 Jun 2001

