The shrunken percipient by nornront

This is a game about shrinking down and visiting a sleeping young woman. Then she wakes up.

It should be noted that this is a size fetish game. If macrophilia is not your cup of tea, I advise against playing this game.

- there is barely any explicitly sexual content
- some of the events depend on chance or hidden mechanisms, which is my way of keeping the game unpredictable for myself, although I realize that it can be a bit frustrating for first-time players (I marked the most notable ones by showing a "continue" button - however that doesn't mean that the chances are necessarily determined afterwards, so you shouldn't make a save point at the continue button) sorry for being a bit confusing
- the focus of the game is on various ways for the player to die (these deaths can be somewhat brutal)
- there is more foot-centered content, but it is not limited to that
- for a small number of text passages, I took inspiration from stories or games I like (if you notice anything of the sort, please note that I created this game for myself and decided to share it because there is no good reason to withhold it)
- I am aware that there are a few minor inconsistencies regarding the damage that the player can withstand. It is usually a deliberate choice to make a scenario more interesting.
- the girl in the story is 18 years old

Why? While I kind of made my own personal version of the shrink ray game created by Kageman and continued by Paras, I found myself having fun with expanding the scenario in the sickbay. I extracted it as a "complete game" since I didn't want to publish the full thing and then disappoint people by not finding the energy to update it.

Oh and I don't recommend playing the online version, although most of the game should work fine with it. I found one instance where it breaks the game. Be advised that it is generally better to download the game.

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Review by Lrodshrek
18 Oct 2022
Really Awesome

Review by Popping_Angiee
12 Dec 2020
I like games that are descriptive good job on this!

Review by Bobby654321
03 Jul 2020
Great game can you please make a one at you girlfriends house

Review by necrom
29 Jan 2020
A nice start,And the "Waking up gimmick" works well with the game as is.

Review by Rc17
27 Jan 2020
Nice game.

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