AMC's groundbreaking period drama 'Mad Men' serves as a hypercritical vehicle into the absolved world of the 1960s. A laden decade restlessly combating its inner societal, political, and cultural demons; an era burdened by the struggles of war, and the need to forget and forgive the past that ignited it.
This short, poignant piece of interactive fiction examines and narrates the war-torn promise of masculine identity, through the constructive lens of 'Mad Men,' and its most emblematic figure, Donald Draper. A figure so entranced in forgotten lore – that his story, and only his story, can glean insight into the unseen and unsung horrors of a forgotten war, the Korean War.
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Written by Choco/Mog
Plays 1825
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Written for Quest 5.5
Published 14 Dec 2014
Updated 19 Dec 2014