The Last Detective by Catalin

You were asked to investigate a warehouse. Once you get there your whole life will change upside down.

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Review by BeautyvsAshes
11 Jun 2014
This would have a lot more stars if I didn't get a headache from attempting to read it. The text colour and background colour clash and makes it super hard to read!

Review by Userone
16 Apr 2013
Not too bad, but my session lasted.. 5 seconds.

Review by Bloodfang
24 Aug 2005
Pros: Very few; the fact that you mention HBP =) and..... thats it =p

Cons: the background/text colours clash, story is weak, setting needs waaaaay more description

Review by Unsatisfied
19 Aug 2005
It was appauling! And yes, it only allowed me to play for 2 minutes. I couldn't examine or look at objects, speak to people and what have you.

I've been playing single player text games since the 90's and then MUDs since 95. Hmm that's a DECADE. Wow, so yes, I do know what I'm talking about.

Two hours worth of game play? BS, b*tch. You want to see a real game go to 4 Dimensions. If you don't know how to get there, try and find it in the Listings. That will put your sorry game into perspective.

Review by E.S.
19 Aug 2005
While this game was not the greatest, at least she tried. There are some people beating up on her, but hey, if you're so good, why don't you make a game? I check back here every so often to see if anyone has made any games, and this is the first that's been uploaded in a looooong while, so at least Catalin tried. It could use some work, but hey, maybe she's learning. If you just yell at her, that will only discourage her from trying to make more games in the future. So Catalin, I give you an A+ for effort, and keep trying!!

Review by Unsatisfied
15 Aug 2005
There were A LOT of bugs. I'm upset that there is no west, east, north, south, out commands.

This was perhaps well thought out, but the Harry Potter deal and then the mispellings, and lack of control made this game horrendous.

Do not play it. It's not worth the 2 minutes it allows you to play.

Review by Steve Lingle
15 Aug 2005
I wouldn't call this horrendous as the last person suggested.

HOWEVER, if you want to see an example of what colors NOT to use as the font and background of a text adventure, this is where to look. I literally got a headache after a minute or two trying to read the pink on neon blue background.

It looks like the game was semi thought out. Suggestions, ditch the Harry Potter questions at the beginning of the game and definitely allow for commands such as north, south, west, east.

Review by Gabriel1
15 Aug 2005
I always die! I can finish the quiz, but I cannot get out of the stupid truck! HELP ME AND I'LL BOOST MY RATING UP TO THREE.

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Written for Quest 3.5
Published 14 Aug 2005

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