
This user has not published any games publicly yet.

Reviews by BeautyvsAshes

Review for Aunts and Butlers
08 Oct 2017
As a lover of PG Wodehouses' characters of Jeeves and Wooster, I loved this. It was funny and clever. A great game to play through.

Review for Loot Quest
08 Oct 2017
This was a lot of fun, and not long after posting comments, I managed to figure it out. However, it was a little annoying that some things which were in capital letters and seemed important were not able to be interacted with. A solid effort. :)

Review for The Enchanted Glade
25 Aug 2014
Another great game...lately there have been some excellent ones on this site. I loved the fact that it was a fantasy that was in this world. It was fun, challenging and the added effects and pictures really complimented the game. Great work! I will admit to needing to read the comments before I could progress at times... :)

25 Aug 2014
This was so much fun. I have always loved the tales of Alice in Wonderland, and was super excited to see this. It was so well written and honestly, Craig Dutton did a fantastic job of keeping the style similar to that of the original stories. Congratulations on a fun and fantastical game. :)

And a thank you to Sarah and Craig who helped guide my steps here and there.

22 Aug 2014
I just finished this game and it was wonderful. The puzzles are hard enough to make you think but not so hard that you want to walk away from the game. As a story it is well written with humour woven throughout. It't the sort of game that you want a sequel to. I will definitely be keeping an eye out for other Eaten By A Grue games if this the the quality I can expect. Loved it!

Review for Uninvited
05 Jul 2014
I have only played through this once, but I really enjoyed the story. I am keen to go back and see if I can get a different ending this time! The only reason this is 4 stars is due to the basic level, but don't let that deter you from playing. It may be a first attempt, but it is a good one! I hope you make more!

Review for Trapped
05 Jul 2014
This game was okay. I don't know if the creator has made other games, but it was fairly simple and not very long. I would have liked a bit more of the story to come through the play. Nothing is really resolved. You get hints at what is happening, and as far as I know, there is no way to die, or anything, so escape is pretty much guaranteed. The ending is abrupt and I just had a "Game finished" message. Nothing saying that I escaped or made it out alive. It could be improved but was alright to kill some time and keep boredom away.

Review for The Zen Garden
30 Jun 2014
I started this game because I was bored one afternoon; I sure am glad I did! This game is beautifully written and the puzzles are challenging but not impossible - especially when previous players and Privateer are ready and willing to offer subtle clues where needed. For which I am truly grateful. You know a game is good when you don't really want it to end. I found myself enjoying the world that had been created and found myself wanting to interact with everything. The music added to the atmosphere, and the concept of the game was perfect. Although I didn't play this whilst drinking green tea (I try to not mix my laptop with liquid), I did spend considerable time exploring. Which, should you play this too, let me give you some advice. Examine everything. Look everywhere. Ask questions where you can. I highly recommend this to anyone who loves beautifully crafted puzzles, because this is definitely one of them! My favourite game on here so far :)

Review for Mango
27 Jun 2014
Although a bit strange, I actually really enjoyed the concept of this game. I would have loved it to have been longer, but it was definitely fun and the spells were great :)

Review for Life On The Moon
25 Jun 2014
This was quite a cute and fun little game. I liked the worm and the writing style. Only reason I didn't give 5 stars is that it was quite short. Easily finished in 5 minutes. A bit longer would have been better. But one worth giving a read/play through :)

Review for Cabin Fever
23 Jun 2014
Seriously this is an awesome game. Well written, funny and with a great twist.

Review for Time Trip
23 Jun 2014
This game was a lot of fun even though it was short. It would have been nice if the commands you used were more varied, but I still enjoyed this! Nice job!

Review for The White
16 Jun 2014
For a first time game, this is probably one of the best I have played! I enjoyed the writing and the concept. I loved the beginning where you had no use of your hands - something I didn't realise would be so limiting until I couldn't take things. While the puzzles are not hard, the game remains enjoyable. I played it through twice and got both endings. In conclusion, all I can say is I definitely hope that there is an Act 2 coming! Great job (and thank you JohnChhana for being so quick to reply!)

Review for Vestiges
15 Jun 2014
This could have been better...the idea was really interesting, but the ending is so sudden and doesn't really explain anything.

Review for Room Serial
14 Jun 2014
This was a really interesting concept and I enjoyed it. The start was challenging, as you are limited in what you can do until you get your powers back! Clever!

Review for Escapadium
14 Jun 2014
So I just finished the game and it was pretty fun! I think you need to make it more obvious to players what they are expected to do in the first room, but otherwise I liked it. At the sink though, when I examined it, it came up with an error message, but that still did not hinder me from finishing the game. :) I also think this would have been better if it was longer...such as getting out of the jail yard and actually finding out why you were in there, since the warden tells you he wont let you out until you discover this. Not bad for a first game!

14 Jun 2014
This is a well-written, dry-witted and thoroughly enjoyable game. It was challenging without being impossible, although I did my darndest to make it so (word to the wise, look at everything). Thanks to Father for putting up with my blondeness and answering my questions. Great game and will look out for anything else you have created or will create. :)

Review for The facility
14 Jun 2014
I am giving 3 stars because I haven't seen a part 2 (although if there is one, I apologise), and it's basically guesswork. I personally prefer games which you solve your way through...not finish after 5 tries or pure luck.

Review for Labyrinth
14 Jun 2014
I found the text font a bit of a challenge but more than that, I found it was mainly guess-work. It would have been good if the way you were meant to take was a puzzle you had to solve or something. But I did end up with the treasure.

Review for Library
14 Jun 2014
This was a cute little game. :) I wish the ending was slightly different and it was longer (hence the 4 stars), but overall I really enjoyed it!

Review for The Escape
13 Jun 2014
I really enjoyed this. It was well-written and I had fun figuring out the puzzles. :)

Review for A Cup of Tea
13 Jun 2014
I am giving this a 4 because it took me forever to figure out how to brew the tea. *SPOILER - don't read if you don't want to know anything prior to playing* I have never used a teabag in a teapot before. I tend to save the teabags for my teacups and the tea leaves for my teapot. But still was fun. Now I want a cup of tea. How did you know my favourite was Earl Grey?! :)

Review for The Four Elements
13 Jun 2014
This was a great game. I found the puzzles not-too-challenging but still thought-provoking enough to be fun. :)

Review for Dream Pieces
13 Jun 2014
I loved this. What a creative game. I had so much fun. Would love it to have been longer though!

Review for Who Among Us
12 Jun 2014
I am an Agatha Christie fan so loved this. It was well written and the choices you had to make kept me really interested and involved in the story. Felt like I really was part of the group. If you like Christie and you like to read this is perfect for you. If you don't, then give this one a miss. Personally I would play again making different choices just to see new outcomes.

11 Jun 2014
Okay besides not loving the white writing on black background, this was really good and interesting! I think you did a great job and I will definitely play again to get a different outcome. I hope you did well for your project! :)

11 Jun 2014
I had no idea what was happening. I gathered my Uncle died and I became a Hermit??
Still the concept could be really interesting if the plot was laid out better.

Review for The Obelisk Part 1
11 Jun 2014
I really hope that a part 2 is coming, because I really enjoyed this game. It is not too complicated and there is not a ton to read either. Good job. I shall patiently wait for Part 2!

Oh, the reason I only gave it 4 stars was because it was perhaps a little TOO simple. But that is the only reason :)

Review for The Last Detective
11 Jun 2014
This would have a lot more stars if I didn't get a headache from attempting to read it. The text colour and background colour clash and makes it super hard to read!

Review for The Missing Child
11 Jun 2014
This could be made into a really clever and interesting text game if it was longer and had more options. I read a few times, but then got bored to be honest.

11 Jun 2014
I would have liked there to be more interaction available with the rooms and the suspects. I really liked the personalised game option. That was a fun twist. However, the message that kept popping up about how the murder was interested in my investigation got rather annoying. A bit more time to explore before the murderer got interested would have been nice too. However, it was fun and had there been more to interact with, I would have given more stars :)

Review for The Lazy Gun Cult
10 Jun 2014
I would love to give this more stars but the problem is that I cannot see the symbols. Thus rendering me stuck. It would appear I am not the only one as well. Also, it says that you can type in xx if you like, but when you go to type anything, you are given the unrecognised command reply. Frustrating. I would like to see where this goes, so if you ever check these, fix these things and I'll re-review it :)

Review for Bench
10 Jun 2014
Okay, I am only giving this 3 stars because I have no idea what just happened!!! have made me want to read more. I hope you do add more. This was so interesting. Just my curiosity has led to the 3 stars, not your lack of creativity or my desire to play. Well done!

Review for PataNoir
10 Jun 2014
Wow!!!! I would not have finished this without my trusty servant. I love the interaction with similes. What a fantastic nuance to this genre. I loved the writing and the description. Having a walkthrough handy was good for those brain-melting moments where you have done just about everything you could possibly think to do. Loved this. I hope there are more coming!

09 Jun 2014
This would be a good game idea for a fun history review (before a test) or to teach history (if it was tweaked and had a bit more substance) for school children, but even for the child in me, it was too repetitive and simple. The idea however is a good one. And as a teacher, it would be a great way to get children involved and learning without them realising. The pictures were a nice touch too. Not a bad effort at all.

Review for Burglary!
09 Jun 2014
I absolutely loved this game. The concept was different from other ones I had played and it was fun being the thief. Although not very long, the puzzles were logical and not too difficult, yet did make you think. Great game!! :)

Review for Where's Annabel?
09 Jun 2014
This was so much fun! I only gave it four stars since some things were completely random and unless you discovered them by chance or used the walkthrough, it would be extremely difficult. Having said that it was a great game!

Review for Galatea
09 Jun 2014
This was very intriguing. I enjoyed it but found it frustrating to attempt to come up with the right question. I assume the point is to try to get Galatea to turn around? I didn't manage it, but might try again later. Well-written though.

Review for The Descent
09 Jun 2014
I am only giving 4 stars because it is unfinished. I can't wait to see what happens next :)

Review for A Mother's Love
09 Jun 2014
This was really good! A great first attempt. The story was interesting enough to keep me engaged until the end. A well-written text game. :)

09 Jun 2014
This was REALLY short, but interesting. I hope part 2 is coming...

09 Jun 2014
I only gave this game 3 stars as I could not figure out what to do with the Straight_cultrally_potion. I drank it and then got completely stuck. Also after drinking it, the writing ends at "The." "The" what? If this was a little neater I'd give more stars. A lot of text, so if you don't mind that, it is a good game with potential.

I found this a really clever game, even though it was about a very sensitive subject. I liked the remembering twist and the fact that you could interact with inanimate objects. This is not for the easily offended or children. So be aware of that before you start. Great job Mr Roy Wong!

Review for Green Light
08 Jun 2014
This was fun to play. I loved the cooking aspect to it. That was my favourite thing. I am guessing the second instalment is not coming soon since this was published so long ago. A shame. But still I enjoyed it :)

Review for Thyme
08 Jun 2014
This is a great short text adventure. It's a lot of fun without being too difficult. Would absolutely play any other games by this author. Great job! :)

Review for The Mansion II
01 Jun 2014
I just finished this and have to say I really enjoyed it. Got frustrated few times, but if you are thorough and logical you will enjoy this. And thank you to those people in the comments who helped others. You definitely helped me too! Look forward to anything else Nick Dablin writes!





