Peasant Quest (Demo 2) by Heath. T

The larger of 2 demos of a game where you (a peasent called arthur) search for a lost mysterious land.

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Review by Tyrant
01 Jul 2002
First off, note to author: Save your pictures in GIF format (you saved in BMP). Bitmap makes the download way too big. One picture is 134KB when it could be like 1 or 2KB in GIF format! Anyway....

I wish the DEMO were a little longer and fixed up better. Because it was so short, I wasn't able to really realize what I was doing or where I was going. I was also getting confused, such as when I had to go down a hole, and from there I ended up in a canyon. The game also had a few bugs, grammar mistakes, and overall just didn't get my attention. Hopefully the author could spend more time with the full version before it is released. This isn't the worse game I've ever played (there ARE really bad IF games), but it really didn't catch my attention either.


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Heath. T

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Written for Quest 3.02
Added 17 Oct 2001

