The System [Early, Early, Early Pre-Build] 0.05 by CloudGrain
This game was added to the Sandpit for the following reason: Incomplete
The game appears to be unfinished, or is a demo of a longer work which has not yet been completed. Once the game has been completely written, it may be re-categorised.
Incredibly Early Build of a Sci-Fi Gamebook. Will be updating often to the best of my abilities. Very little to look at right now, probably not really worth your time except to explore and see if the 20+ pages of the gamebook might tickle your fancy in another month or two when it's a little more complete.
0.02-0.04 16 November 13 Update [ALPHA Build]
-All options are fully playable in the gamebook
-Pages added
0.05 17 November 13 Update 20:08
-Pages added
-Some more pictures have been added.
*Any and all comments are Appreciated, especially if bugs/issues are encountered.*
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Very well written and definitely exciting! Some people are against using pictures but I think the artwork really adds to the athmosphere here. Please finish it :)
Can't wait for the full version to be released, I am very interested as to the characters past and the reason he has been awoken. I will definitely be playing this and the art work really adds to it.
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Written by CloudGrain
Plays 4980
Downloads 3114 Download file
Written for Quest 5.4
Added 16 Nov 2013
Updated 18 Nov 2013
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