You are the star when it comes to this story. Join Sam and Dean on a Supernatural hunt that's success hinges on your decisions. This game is currently in unfinished Alpha and is only being uploaded as a test. Much more content is planned and will be updated semi-frequently (What my schedule allows :P)
All rights are reserved to the original creators of Supernatural.
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If you log in before playing, you'll be able to save your progress - which means you can come back later and pick up where you left off.
* Well-developed story
* Adheres to canonical tropes (for SPN fans, that translates to feeling like you're IN an episode)
* Very few mechanical (writing) errors
* Reader-insert (rather than playing as a character from the series)
* Too few choices (way too many single-option clickables with no decision-making opportunities)
* No updates or new material in over a year
* Not enough interaction with SPN characters -- too many scenes where the Reader character is alone
Average rating
Written by Theseasdancingotter
Plays 1758
Downloads 1632 Download file
Written for Quest 5.5
Published 21 Apr 2016
Updated 28 Apr 2016