The Third Child's World by CadyBo

There were three children that each set off to create a new world, they were very hopeful and excited to weave an entire universe and create a masterpiece to be proud of.

A creation story that I wrote while feeling sort of appalled by humanity
So it is a little pesimistic
but its still a work im proud of.

-I kinda-sorta dont own the picture. It was originally two different pics that I photoshopped together, so my ownership is a little confusing.-


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Review by Wrenovator
19 Apr 2019
You clearly put a lot of effort into this, and it is well written, and I hate to give you a bad rating, but this is not a game.

The utter lack of choices is not why I'm on this site. If I wanted to read a story without choices I would go to a website where that was the purpose. I was very excited to play this story-game, and very disappointed when I realized it was a bait-and-switch.

Review by Bachen
09 Nov 2018
Nice story! Very creative and with some kind of truth. Liked it too much.

Review by flysquirrel775
20 Jun 2016
Nice story, and although it's not a game I think it's worth time reading. However, the background color was a little difficult for me to read.

Review by ToastmasterLex
02 Aug 2015
It's a great story but it's really short and there aren't any actual options. I wouldn't call it a text adventure.

Review by Corelle
10 Jul 2015
Reading this I began to feel like I needed to hug you. It is incredible in all ways and is truly beautiful, thank you for creating it! :)

Review by Jordan-Tanker
09 Apr 2015
Epic. I love it. This is the kind of story that would bring anyone to tears. It was sad, but still awesome.

Review by Ranique
29 Jan 2015
Good story!! sad but good. I was so close to tears!!! good story!! Can i suggest my sories?

Review by kirbymaster1
08 Dec 2014
The story, was flawless!

Review by MexicanNinja
06 Jul 2014
This is a great and sad story and I like how they have to weave their worlds. I liked that and that's why I give this 5 great and golden stars! (I nearly started to cry at the end)

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