Curse! by peter edwards

What is the secret of the graveyard? What horror lies beyond the catacombs? To find out, try this Gothic adventure - if you dare!

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Review by DarkDoomsday
21 Jul 2019
No real gameplay just walking around in confusion

Review by Bromjunaar_18
06 Feb 2018
I could not spot anything regarding peace or exit.

Review by Sinca12
02 Feb 2018
Another homerun, Peter!

Fun game! Great balance of challenging puzzles without being impossible!

I must say, the picture at the end gave me quite a start.

Review by jimbrock
26 Jan 2018
Peter strikes again! Another excellent text adventure.

Some tricky problems with great clues. I love the way new areas open up by solving problems. I had to go the comments a couple of times and I kicked myself for not spotting the clues.

I really enjoyed it!

Review by GameofChocolate
30 Aug 2017
I'm tired of accidentally hitting the fog and then having to try to navigate back. Every time I try to look around I get lost. I'm so done. The game was fairly good other than that.

Review by DavyB
08 Jan 2017
It is a pleasure to have played yet another excellent game from Peter Edwards. As usual, it is well designed over a relatively small number of locations and indeed there is no need for a map in this case. It can also be completed relatively quickly, depending, of course, on how long it takes you to solve the puzzles! Even knowing that Peter’s games involve thorough searching, I have to admit that I struggled in a few places. The game has now been up for over 4 years, however, so other players had similar difficulties, meaning that the response comments from Peter covered all I needed to know. My one regret is that I didn’t try a bit harder before sneaking a peak at these additional clues!!

Review by Tamzy
27 Aug 2016
Great game, lots of clues throughout if you can figure out what to look for. I'm fairly new at these games so I had to get some assistance, but overall very enjoyable. Some great moments. :)

Review by KyuJones
15 Apr 2016
The popular puzzler! This man's games are quite intriguing, albeit tricky! If help is ever needed, though, reading through or ask in the comments for helpful hints!

This dark little story is well done with it's small map of riddles. Nice creepy and lonely setting that.... kinda made me glad I'm playing midday around people. But then, I'm a bit of a scaredy cat.

Thanks, Mr. Peter Edwards, for a darkly lovely game.

Review by Gazman0169
27 Mar 2015
The only reason I gave this a 4 and not a 5 is that it was a little short for my liking, but what you do get is a well-rounded text based survival horror romp that'll have your brains smoking. I thoroughly enjoyed my time in this game, and wouldn't hesitate to recommend it to anyone who likes a good text adventure.

Review by DaNiX88
13 Mar 2015
Another fun, high-quality game! There are quite a few ways to die in this one, so I was actually put at the edge of my seat and took care to save often. Definitely a recommendation for text-game enthusiasts!

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peter edwards

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Written for Quest 5.5
Published 27 Nov 2012
Updated 07 Jan 2017

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