Casino by kewldude606/Daniel Finnie

Play Who Wants to be a Millionaire. Comes with more detailed info and how to customize your game.

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Review by DUH
03 Dec 2004
I'm sorry. This is an extruciatingly boring game. EVEN WITH THE LIBRARY!!
The game seems pointless enough once you start playing. You talk to a few people who all allow you to ask the same three questions: Can I play? How do you play? and Where's the bathroom?
You don't start the game with enough money so you cannot play. I looked in QDK and discovered that you're supposed to type the word 'refund' for some reason and you magically get enough money to play.
Ok, we're getting somewhere. NOT SO FAST...

Although you have enough money to play, when you start the game, you automatically win and you get $800. You play for countless amounts of time winning $800 each time. You don't actually play anything. You say "talk to john" and type '1' for question "Can I play?" and then say yes for them to take your $300 and boom, you win.

Wow, a lot of work was put into this game with very bad results.

Review by Jordan1
11 Jan 2004
Few problems.

1)It doesn't work. The library isn't included!

2)Uhhh.... it doesn't work.

Okay, so there's only one problem, but that just about does it.

Review by King morgoth
27 Nov 2003
i know it's only an alpha but it's really really bad one because it doesn't even work secondly the bits that do work aren't that good but i do like the idea of going to the loo!

Review by King morgoth
27 Nov 2003
i know it's only an alpha but it's really really bad one because it doesn't even work secondly the bits that do work aren't that good but i do like the idea of going to the loo! with some improvement it could be really good

Review by Matthew G
25 Oct 2003
This game will not run because your library is not included in the download!

Review by Ste Edwards1
07 Sep 2003
3 things ive noticed...

1) game doesnt even work

2) when you want to do < & > in HTML, but to show the symbols without html thinking its a command tag, use &gt

(greater than) and &lt (less than).

3) when you want users to put something specific in the subject line when sending an email, put this in your html.
<a href="mailto:[email protected]?subject=Casino">Email me</a>

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kewldude606/Daniel Finnie

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Written for Quest 3.11
Added 04 Sep 2003





