Train by ineffable

A shadow of your former self, you stand upon the train station with a ticket, a dog, and a choice. The past, however, has been behind the wheel of all your recent endeavours- and will you be driven mad by it now?

ineffable, 2016.

Best of luck.

*Game has been edited slightly 29/05/16 to add clarity to events in some areas*

*loops are not bugs*

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Review by die Orange
17 Nov 2016
You are doing great. Making a game is a great challenge and can be hard. This is an excellent attempt for a first game. Keep going!

Review by .Megan.
29 May 2016
This is great

Review by alma.h
29 May 2016
It's amazing for a first game! Keep going❤️

Review by Jiao.fxx
28 May 2016
This is amazing. I've played this so many times. I think any future games you make are going to be amazing. I love the story line. Well done!

Review by mick green
28 May 2016
Great experience, well done. Can't say I understood it but I enjoyed playing it which is the main thing. Gave me a kick in the right direction because it reminds me of an idea I had for a game, so I'll get working on it soon.

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Written for Quest 5.5
Published 23 May 2016
Updated 07 Mar 2020





