A hitmans life by liljamie

it is your job to Kill. You must kill holamoladola before eny one finds out about your secret. Beware!. Over And Out.

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28 Jun 2015

Review by Andrew Trewin
24 Feb 2009
Your missions is to kill Mr Holamolladola. You MUST kill him.
You can look,speak to tv.
you can look,sit on couch.

You are in home.
There is a TV, a couch, a Table with a gun on it. and a body lying on the table. here.
You can go south, east, west, northeast, northwest, southeast or southwest.

> look at Body
you killed him :)

> speak to Body
He's dead

> take Body
You can't take that.

> look at Table
it has a gun lying on it.

> take gun
I can't see that here.

> take Table
You can't take that.

> northwest
oh no no no noooo

> west
You are in weapons room.
There is a Hand gun. and Ak47 here.
You can go east.

> take Ak47

> take Hand gun.

> east
You are in home.
There is a TV, a couch, a Table with a gun on it. and a body lying on the table. here.
You can go south, east, west, northeast, northwest, southeast or southwest.

> southwest
(Red Screen)

> south
You are in presadents office.
There is the Presadent and a note pad here.
You can go north.

> look at Note pad
it has "public anouncement 5:50 today" writen on it.

> shoot presadent
I don't understand your command. Type HELP for a list of valid commands.

> use Ak47
You can't use that here.

> use ak47 on presadent
you shoot at Mr holamoladola.


1 star.

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Added 22 Feb 2009





