Wolf Legends: The Quest by Nightwhisker

There are six packs in the land-
The Forest Wolves are in-tune with nature and generally compassionate, but not the strongest or brightest.
The Wind Wolves are quick and great hunters, but have a rough exterior and aren't too tough.
The Moon Wolves are smart and mysterious, but misunderstood and some bloodlines aren't so... kind.
The Sun Wolves are brave and heroic, yet quick to assume and not very smart.
The Mountain Wolves are strong, bold, and cruel.
The Lake Wolves are kind, intelligent, yet considered weak for their refusal to battle.
They all have sent warriors in search of the Six Stones of Fury- Horizon of the Lake-Wolves, Jaggedclaw of the Mountain-Wolves, Ralen (rah-lin) of the Sun-Wolves, Moon-Wolf warrior Duskflower, Wind Wolf Kloren, and Silver (female) or Sparrow (male) of the Forest-Wolves (you). As you search for the Six Jewels, you encounter the other heroes and either fight, join, or ignore them. Soon, you will explore all of the wolf islands of Kraah!

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Review by scarly woods
22 Feb 2020
I love it but you dont go past the red ruby. Please finish!

Review by ScraggDragon
10 Dec 2019
Though it is extremely short, it sounds promising.

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