World War Two History Project by Bajco

This is a project I did for social studies and you have to figure out where you are and how to get out!

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Review by LinaLyssic
18 May 2011
This needs a lot of improvement. Every time I pick something up it doesn't appear in my inventory. What the hell? It just keeps lying there. How about revealing the items in your inventory, as well as the objects you found? (Like the pen under the map, when you find it you can make it appear in the room description.) The paper in the pen was lame, I'm sorry but it's way too illogical. And how did you come up with that leprechaun-ish thing? It has absolutely nothing to do with the whole story. It would be nice if the descriptions when speaking to someone were more detailed. for example: They take a look at you, but it looks like they're too frightened to say anything.

I know the camp you're in is camp Dachau, but I can't figure out to make it clear to the leprechaun-ish thing.

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