
Reviews by LinaLyssic

Review for The Escape
22 Sep 2011
I couldn't help but be bothered with some little errors in your spelling and grammar. You should fix that Also, there's pretty much nothing you can do. Everything is done for you, you just need to walk around a little. There's only one direction to go to and this is really boring. And the end is indeed really long, while the descriptions are not. Seriously, if I were you I'd have a look at other games. This is not what it should look like. But hey, at least you tried.

Review for The apple(DEMO)
23 Jun 2011
Fun little demo?
You've got a fridge that reveals nothing when you open it and that keeps saying you should open it, while it's already opened. And you can't do anything with the 'pedistal' whatever the hell that is. I'm sorry, but calling this a demo is ridiculous.

19 Jun 2011
I love your games!

18 Jun 2011
Okay, I feel really stupid but I have finished the game now. Didn't make enough at the party to get mama chocolates :(
And I don't know why my third star was also silver, but I looooove this game.

07 Jun 2011
Thank you very much, I never would have guessed there's a search command! I also found a key but I never got to use it. Was it something you needed with Jane?

Anyway, I liked the game. It was quite funny and everything worked well. I think you should have told the player about the search command though, I've only used it once before in Things That Go Bump Into The Night and in that game it was kind of clear you had to search something. A huge plus is that your spelling is good. Good spelling is rare nowadays. You're descriptions are good, not too long but just long enough to describe everything. I think it's very original, the puzzles are fun, but not too hard and everything's working just fine so I'll give you 4 stars :)
(Yay, first to rate.)

Review for YOU ARE A TIGER
30 May 2011
Even before the game started, I was laughing my ass off. It's so funny! I found no bugs, you obviously know what you're doing. Too bad I can't really do anything, since there's only one room and I performed all possible actions. (Or so it seems.) I'll give it a 3 for now, because it's really short. But it's still epic.

Review for Kevbot
20 May 2011
Wow. This game was so funny! I loved the pirate language and the narwhals. You sir, are pretty awesome. The ending was a little weird though, I didn't know the right command. (So I cheated :D)
You should add the command scope as an alternative. It was indeed a little short, make more games please.

18 May 2011
This needs a lot of improvement. Every time I pick something up it doesn't appear in my inventory. What the hell? It just keeps lying there. How about revealing the items in your inventory, as well as the objects you found? (Like the pen under the map, when you find it you can make it appear in the room description.) The paper in the pen was lame, I'm sorry but it's way too illogical. And how did you come up with that leprechaun-ish thing? It has absolutely nothing to do with the whole story. It would be nice if the descriptions when speaking to someone were more detailed. for example: They take a look at you, but it looks like they're too frightened to say anything.

I know the camp you're in is camp Dachau, but I can't figure out to make it clear to the leprechaun-ish thing.

Review for The Escape
17 May 2011
I thought it was really funny, even though I kept dialing 1 instead of 7! They look too much alike. So I cheated. Hehe. I'd give it 4 stars if it was a little longer, with more items and better spelling :)

It was simple, but nice. I'm just a little confused by the last riddle... I know the answer (cheated) but it makes no sense to me :(

16 May 2011
Hey, I played your game and I don't know whether I'm stuck, since the game isn't finished. I must say your spelling is very bad, ever heard of capitals? Also, you typed: an huge dragon. It doesn't make much sense either, the man in cape is waving and smile but when you speak to him he tries to stab you? I've got the dagger, green dragon armor and the young blue dragon. Can I do anything else? Btw; I might sounds negative but it was enjoyable at the same time. I'd give you 2,5 stars but that's not really possible...

Review for Home Sweet Home
14 May 2011
Died before I even found a cookie :(
And absolutely nothing happened, there were only vampire squirrels... it bores me. Sorry :(

25 Apr 2011
First of all, the colors were really annoying. Dump them. And there is way more: The objects aren't described well, you don't have to write everything with a capital. You can't pick up things like the bananas, which is not logical. To find the key you have to make very little moves and when you find them you haven't even made a good ending. Almost no fantasy was used in this game, it was plain boring. With both the north and west exit lead to the same room. When you find the cycle and door key the keys in the room should be hidden, because else it seems like there are more than 2 keys. Add more rooms, add some puzzles. Make the player use other objects to get to the key and actually have the game make some sense. Make sure the player gets sucked into the game, make crazy things happen. The player shouldn't get bored. I'm sorry, but I can't really say anything positive about this.

Review for ChristmaKwanzakkah
24 Apr 2011
I laughed several times through the game. It was short, nothing very remarkable (doesn't mean it wasn't good though) but you really are a comedic genius. I loved it!

19 Mar 2011
Forgot the rating.. even though this doesn't even deserve one star.

Review for Dim 2
12 Mar 2011
I know this game is old but I'll say this anyway. This game makes absolutely no sense. Without the walkthrough it is indeed impossible. Why is there a screw in your ear? Seriously? This is just weird and impossible, sorry.

10 Mar 2011
Okay, I got in the truck and got to the road, but it keeps showing the message 20 miles and my stuff doesn't work.

Review for Londe Perplex
10 Mar 2011
Good, here I am. Again. I found how to open the door. It was indeed easy when I figured the riddle out. Your spelling pleases me, I like your descriptions also. The game is a little short, but that's not really important. But I'm left with one question... I used discus on the omenguardian and I couldn't do anything anymore. Have I won or have I lost the game? I couldn't read anything :(
I'd give it 3,5 stars, but since that's not possible and 3 doesn't sound like a very good game, so I gave you 4.

Review for Permanant Room
06 Mar 2011
Okay. First: This game makes no sense. There's no story behind it. There were mistakes in your spelling, for example: I had no idea what a chisle was, because I'm Dutch so I tried looking it up. Then I found out it was spelled chisel. It was weird to have to pull back the carpet and the wallpaper. It would've been much more clear if you made objects out of them. Also, a lift command would have been better with the carpet. The whole drawing inside of the watch thing to open the safe was also ridiculous. It just doesn't make sense. If there was some kind of code inside the watch it would have been much more logical. Also, the two doors could be opened, but if I tried to go through them I ended up in the same damn room, which was annoying. Adding two extra rooms which were locked might have been a better idea. I know I'm telling a lot of negative things about this game, but it entertained me anyways. I think it was a nice try and don't give up on making games!

Review for Caravan chaos
06 Mar 2011
I was really annoyed by only one thing. I KEPT FALLING OFF A CLIFF. Also, if you go east, than west you end up in the same place. But if I go east, I fall off the cliff. While technically, I was in the same place I was before. Also, I thought the actions (Use coin on valve, use magnet on bed, etc.) were a bit illogical. Yes, I know this sounds illogical. But I liked it anyway.

Review for Rainbow room
06 Mar 2011
I really really liked this game. Too bad I got stuck at the part with the fuse under the couch. I don't know which command to use to take it, but I liked the game anyways.

Review for The Mansion
06 Mar 2011
I really loved this game. I got stuck a lot of times but it kept me trying to solve the mystery. With the help of the comments I eventually won the game. It was absolutely amazing. At first I didn't think it was really special but it grew on me. I liked the story, the descriptions, pretty much everything. Great game.

I really liked this, even though it was really short. I found only one little bug: When you take the lightbulb first, the glass shards are automatically in your inventory. But then I did something else and they were back on the floor.

I'll give you 4 stars for now, because it's just a demo. I don't blame you for the little bug, I don't consider programming easy. I'm looking forward to the full game (:





