During the last days of his life, a famous writer Edgar Allan Poe, is dreaming the same dream the night after night. This dream, full of colours and different views, looks more happier than Poe's dark stories and poems. Yet it is full of silently screaming pain.
Poe is frustrated. That strange dream drains his inspiration away and fill his texts with sunflowers and vivid colors. This is not his dream, not from his imagination.
And is he alone in that dream...?
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The most outstanding thing is the vivid and poetic descriptions of places and events. Though the text needs a bit of editing the imagery comes through very well and I thought it was a great experience with a good story. You often wonder how Van Gogh kept going with no recognition in his lifetime, maybe this is the answer (?) So it is ambitious, fresh and a lot like van Gogh's paintings in style, but painted with words. I have to admit that at the time of writing this my mic was muted so I missed all the in-game music, so I am sure the music's great but not needed to enjoy it.
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Written by destinygod
Plays 3651
Downloads 2709 Download file
Written for Quest 5.4
Published 03 May 2013
Updated 17 May 2013
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