Word of the Day by rotter

You are Kareene Veet, an ambitious young female from the Outer World of Mirus. Dreaming of the stars from an early age, and encouraged by your grandmother, you left your home-world at the first opportunity to live amongst the Inner Worlders.

Gaining a position at the Engineering College on Tallac was something few from the Outer Worlds had ever accomplished. Four cycles later, with your normal single-minded dedication, you achieved the required Solar System certificate at graduation. This allowed you to gain the coveted Bio-drive engineer level 5 award. Then to get an appointment on the engineering team aboard the cargo vessel Word of the Day was just beyond your wildest dreams. It is true that Word is only a Liter class (the lowest), but it is still a Bio-drive class vessel. No one from the Outer Worlds ever achieved so much.

Since graduating only one thing has been in on your mind, to amass wealth. Now, in just three cycles, you nearly have enough credits to purchase the right to procreate. With the bonus from this trip and then just one more assignment, your fund will be complete.

You just need to complete this assignment first.
Review by jimtun
09 Jul 2019
Absolutely obsessive amount of back story, too much at first. But, the game plays along anyway.

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Published 03 Jul 2019

