You are Karen, a thirteen year old girl who's life has been torn apart after her town was destroyed by Pillagers. You are forced out into the Wasteland, a inhospitable land where your survival is uncertain.
The rest of the series is finished. Part two and part three are completed. I wanted to take a little break from Monsters, so I made this. Please let me know of any problems. Thanks for playing!
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The writing style is straight to the point--it's blunt and doesn't sugar coat the consequences of dystopia, and I appreciate that. There are a couple ways to get a game over, so there is some degree of choice here, but even for a Part 1, this is is very, very short.
The reason for the low rating is not that this is bad, because it isn't. It's just that there isn't enough content.
Enjoyed what I played. It is a little short (though you said that you made it that way on purpose), but it's good from what I've read. NOTE: Broken link on "go with Elijah" and you spelt "did" instead of "died".
Average rating
Written by Magic Orange
Plays 5789
Downloads 2660 Download file
Written for Quest 5.5
Published 20 Oct 2013
Updated 08 Oct 2016
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