Warrior cats: The rise of StormClan (Part 1) by SilverStone the dragon

Your a cat named Shadow kit who grows into the mighty Shadow claw, leader of the cats of the new clan Storm Clan, the strongest clan in the forest . You start out in Thunder clan, but create Storm clan. You can are the best fighter in the forest-but one wrong move and your fresh-kill. Choose wisely to make Storm Clan the best clan ever! (This is part 1- In this part you become an apprentice)

A look into this game series:
. Become a rogue
. Choose what games to play as a kit...whether to venture into the forest or not, even when your not allowed.
. Choose to fight or flight whatever stands in your way. (sometimes)
. Choose to become a leader/deputy or not
. Choose to battle the other clans
. And much more!

Note: All this is spread out over the series, so don't expect all of it in just one! Also, if your wondering where Pine kit and Sand kit got up to, they decided to have a long nap with their mother :)

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Review by Amythest
01 Apr 2022
dis pretty good

Review by KittyFoxGamer
12 Apr 2021
I love it! it is awesome and I definitely recommend it. The story is peach perfect.

Review by goodbunny2
04 Apr 2021
I liked the description, but the story was bland and basically you have no say in what happens. I wanted more options instead of the big lump of text I got. I don't like how your forced to talk to Sandstrike and like him, no matter what you do. I also wish you'd put an option to play as - Blizzardkit, maybe?

When you do "Sand strike", really? It's not that hard to put them together as Sandstrike. It makes the text appealing. I also see you're criticizing others when your work isn't even decent. I like the concept though, and this has potential.

I'm no expert, I just like giving advice to others. It's my personal opinion.. and I admit myself that most of my games aren't perfect either. Ty for reading :)

25 Oct 2020
Not bad, but each page is really long, it took ages for me to read it all.


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Written for Quest 5.8
Published 29 Oct 2020





