Gilui & Orima: A Text-Based Comedic Adventure by TheUpperDiamond

Gilui and Orima are cousins at it again with their usual antics. It's your job to decide what they are!

1.0.4. (Unnamed Bug Fixes Update for Ver. 1.0. No.4) Patch Notes
- Added a link to the Nugget Test Demo. The link can be accessed via the main menu -> Play More -> Nugget
- Added a link to The Upper Discord. The link can be accessed via the main menu -> TheUpperDiamond Socials -> Discord Server
- Same changes have been made for DEATH PENALTY.
- You can now skip the "Message before playing" sequence by clicking on "I've Played Before".
- Rewritten a few lines of dialogue on Scenario 1, Outcome 1.
- Bug Fixes/Dialogue Rewrites/Further Proofreading
- Additional Polishing
- Smashed Inconsistencies
- Eliminated eggsman.

How to Play?
You will be given 4 prompts to choose from, and every prompt shows a different outcome. Just do that 15 times to beat the game. Easy as cheese!

Take Note!
Scenarios are rarely related to one another. Go ahead and break continuity! Kill someone off to put them in again. Destroy the city to have it spotless to never have a city in the first place. Live a bonkers world to live bonkers! The limit is never the limit!

Remember that sometimes, YOUR ACTIONS CAUSE CONSEQUENCES. Certain outcomes could affect future outcomes. Multiple playthroughs of the same outcome ARE INDEED required to get 100% completion because of these consequences. (For the quality of life, consequences will be listed in a tab that will be unlocked after your first gameplay.)

Spread the Word!
Feel free to reenact any and all scenarios you stumble upon for personal gain via live-action acting, animations, or voiceovers. Be sure to credit me in the end! If you don't, I'll sue you... (or not)

TheUpperDiamond Game Collection Bug Report!
Want to report a bug? You can share it with me and for others to see at or you can also DM me on Discord for optimal privacy.

And that's all there is. Enjoy the show brought to you by TheUpperDiamond.

This game contains the following:

Mild Alcohol Reference
Gruesome Depictions of Death involving Women, Family members, and complete strangers
Violence References (Applied violence/abuse towards person, murder, torture, etc.)
Comic Mischief
Language (Uncensored: D@mn, @ss, H#ll, and P!ss. All other swears are either not used, applied, or fully/semi-censored.)
Mild Suggestive Themes (Thanks, Orima!)
Use of Tobacco

This game is intended for those people 13 years old and up. If you are not 13 years old or older and/or do not want to see anything listed above, do not play this game. (Profanity and Sexual Reference Filters are available to make it at least a G-rated game via the in-game settings menu.)
Review by :(DUMMY):
10 Jun 2023
Ridiculously Funny! but I did'nt get the shortcuts after I completed the game.

Good game TBH!

Review by broadwaydude
23 Dec 2022
'Tis was fun! I can't believe you made me restart my game at the quiz. You've got ballz man.

I believe I was longing for more impactful decision-making in the game. That isn't to say that Barry the Banana didn't feel like my child that I materialized into existence (you killed him btw). There were a lot of fun moments in the game, but the overall format makes it hard to sit through, given there's no clear objective.

There was a lot of beautiful thought and love pumped into this game, and it shows. I look forward to seeing what games you make next!

P.S. We always love a Squiffy user :)

Review by Unify
02 Nov 2022
Nice game! Still waiting for some bug fixes, but the overall story is great.

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Published 11 Nov 2022
Updated 29 Mar 2024





