Post Mortem by Father Thyme

Death is but the beginning in this strange tale. Beggars can definitely not be choosers.

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Review by DavyB
07 Feb 2018
This is another excellent adventure from Father Thyme. It has a good storyline with a nice twist, and is well written. It is relatively short and its puzzles are not too difficult, though they do involve a little perseverance.

Superficially, this looks like a gamebook (which I generally avoid) but it is probably better described as a text adventure with limited options. I say this because the story has essentially one outcome and covers all significant paths no matter which choices are made.

The game takes the usual friendly approach expected of Father Thyme, in never killing off the player or leaving them in an unwinnable position, and has an underlying good humour despite the apparent darkness of the topic. Overall, another success!

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Father Thyme

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Written for Quest 5.8
Published 23 Nov 2017
Updated 22 Dec 2021

