Guttersnipe: Carnival of Regrets by bitterkarella

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The year is 1929. A mysterious carnival has come to town.

Guttersnipe: Carnival of Regrets is a humorously grotesque (or grotesquely humorous) game about a street urchin and her pet sewer rat trying to survive a trip through a dark carnival full of sin, secrets, and murderous clowns.

Special thanks to play testers Tosh Bibb, Norman Rafferty, Steph Cherrywell, Sarah Adams, Siadmander, and Scroll Lock! And to Davy B for coding and problem solving!

Guttersnipe: Carnival of Regrets won the alumni choice ribbon in the 2017 Spring Thing Festival of Interactive Fiction (

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Review by DavyB
17 Apr 2018
I was about to play the latest Guttersnipe game when I thought it better to start with the first one published a year ago. As the previous reviewers have indicated it is excellent! For me, I most enjoyed (i) the writing; (ii) the humour; (iii) the scale, duration and challenge of the game; (iv) the automatic map; (v) the absence of dead-ends and player deaths of any sort; and (vi) the cover art.

I noticed what appear to be a few inconsistencies in the way that 'give' and 'use' are implemented but to avoid spoilers I send details in a separate message. Generally, this is a well crafted game, and so an easy 5 stars.

Review by GameofChocolate
16 Jul 2017
Very creepy, surreal, and awesome. Well done.

Review by phantom
14 May 2017
A delightful and very amusing game. I liked how there were some puzzles which were not necessary to solve but helped contribute to the worldbuilding.

Review by Peter2
04 May 2017
This game is great.

Players, if you're stuck, come back later and try again. The puzzles are challenging, but they are solvable.

Review by Jamex
03 May 2017
Great game! The challenges are tough but solvable. Great storyline too. Beware the clowns!

Review by Regisblackgaard
13 Apr 2017
"Giant Homicidal Communist Vampire Spotted Devilbeast from Hell (Glutteus Infernalis)." LOL! This is a very witty, descriptive, and interesting game. Fully recommend! It may take me a while to finish all the puzzles, but it's a great start!

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Written for Quest 5.8
Published 08 Apr 2017
Updated 13 Aug 2018





