(Ready For Release) Welcome back to the Warrior Cats! Your father tells the whole Clan about the prophecy. Later, your father decides to rank you and your siblings up into Apprentices and even your 'friends'. But as you become an apprentice, danger becomes harder as you grow, challenges get challenging. Can you save your Clan with the help of your siblings?
Note: Sorry, this game is very short but the series makes it even better.
Part 3: https://textadventures.co.uk/games/view/snk3yy8zmumxt2-zmc00da/warrior-cats-part-3
Part 4: https://textadventures.co.uk/games/view/9acd5l_dwkqbqglzkr5gnq/warrior-cats-part-4
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I love what you did to the story and I love how much detail you put in it! Could you give me some tips so I can make mine better. My link is in the comment box. Overall I loved it and hope that you can make more.
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Written by Warriorcats908
Plays 7446
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Written for Quest 5.8
Published 22 May 2020
Updated 16 Oct 2020