Claws by MrFRZ

You live in a world of giants as a creature fighting for survival. If they see you they will try to take you, and so the giants are to be feared and avoided at all costs. Learn to live and survive in this world, and you may unlock the secret to yourself and who or what you really are. Good Luck.

This is a short game I have made mainly for the purpose of learning Quest better, specifically the game book portion, so I can more easily create the main game I am working on. It is a short story/game of survival with a bit of a mystery to it. I hope you enjoy the game, and for those that finish it, please don't spoil the ending in the comments/reviews. If you know the ending, I believe it will make the game boring and pointless to play. Thanks!

Also check out my Youtube channel!

1.1 - Fixed a few glitches where page links were not showing up. This left you at a dead end with no choices and no game ending.

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Review by Dasx
15 May 2016
I like it. I like how the author hides what kind of, thing, has the claws.

Review by Borrovan
18 Aug 2015
THE REVIEW AFTER THIS ONE CONTAINS SPOILERS, hence all the empty lines in this one. I don't actually have a lot to say about the game; it's a neat idea and I like the writing style, but, as it says in the description, spoilers make the game kind of boring and pointless.
Only 3/5 as I would have liked to be able to explore the setting a little more before learning the twist, and I felt that the ending itself was a little lackluster, even though I did like the idea.

Review by kadeship
03 Aug 2015
Pretty good. I like the detail, but there might be a little too much. I have the same problem. Some of your paragraphs are very long. I would also like more exploration and things to do as a wild animal, and maybe as a house pet. Maybe chasing mice that got in the attic or something.

All in all, this was a good game. Keep it up!

Review by ExoGeni
13 Dec 2014
Very original idea. I loved it

Review by LeisureSuit Larry
03 Oct 2014
I loved it

Review by Odie_da_Bossé
30 Sep 2014
Hahaha loved it!

Your writing is very intriguing and addictive to read. The colours worked, and liked your ending. This is probably the only five I've given to a game. Congrats!

Also, this is kind of a reverse story to my game, Cookie Monster Simulator. Check it out when you have time!

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Published 29 Sep 2014
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