Become a Spice Trader by mrfriendlybee12

You are the owner of a large sailing ship. You sail around the world and trade goods with other countries.

A Genoese investor has agreed to pay for your next trip if you can bring back a profit and, hopefully, goods that he can sell to local merchants. If for any reason you do not return with a profit, he has the right to back out of the deal, and you'll be stuck paying for everything.

Before you sail from your home port in Lisbon, Portugal, you will need to make several important decisions about how to prepare for your journey and what route to take. If you succeed, you will be extremely wealthy and will cement your reputation as a spice trader, ensuring that more rich investors come your way. But if you fail, you may go bankrupt and lose your ship, not to mention ruin your reputation.

You are the owner of a large sailing ship. You sail around the world and trade goods with other countries.

A Genoese investor has agreed to pay for your next trip if you can bring back a profit and, hopefully, goods that he can sell to local merchants. If for any reason you do not return with a profit, he has the right to back out of the deal, and you'll be stuck paying for everything.

Before you sail from your home port in Lisbon, Portugal, you will need to make several important decisions about how to prepare for your journey and what route to take. If you succeed, you will be extremely wealthy and will cement your reputation as a spice trader, ensuring that more rich investors come your way. But if you fail, you may go bankrupt and lose your ship, not to mention ruin your reputation.

Note: The standard of currency in most of western Europe during the Renaissance was the gold florin. However, the value amounts used in this activity are fictional.

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29 Nov 2021
this is my favorite game on this website! its so well made it reminds me of sea of thieves and tradelands on roblox. keep up the good work!

Review by IGreenI
02 May 2017
It was quite short, but well-researched nonetheless.
It sounded quite accurate, although I wish there were more stopping points and more decisions to make. Say, to be in control of the illness on the ship - do you allow your sailors keep drunk to stay upbeat about the sickness or stop by on the nearby island to look for some food and herbs?
Well done. A pleasure to play through and very re-playable if you wanted to see where the different choices would take you!

(And florins /are/ accurate ;3)

Review by tristanlongoria2
28 Nov 2016
Wonderful historically accurate game! Although I've never heard of a florin before.

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Written for Quest 5.5
Published 20 Oct 2015
Updated 05 Dec 2016





