Ye Olde Barbershop by theturkishzoo

Thou doth be a mild mannered man, walking down the street when thy style of hair doth be insulted. To rectify this, thou doth travel to a barbershop to change thy hairstyle and prevent thyself from being mocked in the future, but is all as it seems? Can thou survive thy harrowing adventure in the barber shop!? Probably.

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Review by ZIGGY555
02 Nov 2022
This is the reason I made an account.

Review by broadwaydude
28 Nov 2021
How doth you badeth of grammar toth too teh spleling. Understandable, but too mucheth of eth the Elizabethan Englishen maketh me tired and confuseth humph muohhth pfffttt!

But it’s really funny. And I enjoyed it. Nice concept.
(checking in with everyone to say that my Elizabethan English was poor on purpose so I can avoid having to r/woooosh anyone)

Review by snazzy ray
28 Nov 2016
This game is great!!!!!

Review by Regisblackgaard
15 Nov 2016
thou doth hath thy work fulfillede.

Review by Smileyshoes
14 Nov 2016
Thee opinion of ye game be that I be a dirty bastard and take the evil ending. Alas, thee opinion of ye game be th' theme it be goin' with the ol' Ye Olde English language, even if ye olde bastard french made up the bastard english laugh, gave me a damn good laugh and made thee have smile on ye olde face. And th' whole idiotic "Bad Barber with evilness powers" be goddamn laughable. So, thee opinion of thee game is that "Ye Olde Barbershop" be some of the best speed me been on...

ye arse.

Review by DaNiX88
08 Jul 2015
This story is highly amusing and though filled with grammatical errors, the Old English remains understandable and funny. I was also impressed with the many different humourous choices and endings, which left me wanting to find them all. I especially liked the "undo" options, which made this whole process easier. However, it still could have maintained most of its humour if proper grammar had been used. So, although it didn't bother me, I can't bring myself to give the game 5 stars because of this.

Review by Mr Noggin
08 Jul 2015
Very amusing, and fairly short.

I really like the Elizabethan English bit, but unfortunately the grammar is terrible, and some (many) of the words are wrong. It is readable, though.

Review by Ilovemusic237
13 Jun 2015
I love this game! It matches my energy and did make me laugh out loud multiple times. I also like the Elizabethian English. I highly recommend to all! :)

Review by XanMag
11 Apr 2015
I'm not sure why I liked this so much. Perhaps it's mine ale that doth distract me?

But, I actually laughed out loud a couple times. Some may find the writing annoying but I think that's part of the humor. I also appreciate being able to go to my last decision without replaying it all over.

Very well done. Fan or no fan of game books, all should give this a chance. Fairly quick play and worth it. Grats.

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Written for Quest 5.8
Published 11 Apr 2015
Updated 20 Jul 2021





