PLANETFALL by SockGuy227

You awaken in a small escape pod with no memory of your past. The planet you have landed on seems to be innocent enough, until strange occurances begin to add up. Is there something sinister lurking just out of sight, or is it all in your head?
Explore, survive, and uncover hidden truths in this sci-fi interactive novel.

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Review by Kriger
12 Apr 2022
The writing is great, and you used perfect punctuation. and the story is very interesting, granted I didn't go all the way through yet, I still find it very interesting. thank you for this great story!

Review by Stormtroopers
07 Mar 2020
Its a sci fi story that somebody once wrote that is above average by my stanrdads, I really liked it and this was a good story that was good. Good

Review by the_og_ag
21 Nov 2018
I'm usually not a huge fan of sci-fi, but I LOVED this story! The events and decisions are so intriguing throughout the entire story, I never once lost interest. There are three endings that are each equally interesting and unexpected. The detail in the descriptions of the landscape, sounds, and tactile feelings are just incredible. It seriously felt like I was on the planet making all these decisions for my own sake. A solid five-stars for sure! I can't wait to read more from this guy!

Review by kitnoki
06 Aug 2018
Damn. Just... Damn. A rip roaring good sci to yarn that pulls from Star Trek, X-Files, Aliens, and still manages to be it's own impressive beast. A story worth reading more than once.

Review by Harmony26
26 Apr 2018
This is really good! It's a great piece of science fiction literature and has a great twist.

10 Nov 2017
Cool and interesting!

Review by iliya.yamchshikov
02 Nov 2017
This story is definitely the best piece of science-fiction literature I have read on this website. Also the cover artwork is great ;)

Review by maysier
25 Oct 2017
I thought this was a really interesting story. The ending was totally not what I expected. The descriptions of the environment were stunning and really gave me a clear picture in my head of what my surroundings loooked like. Despite the fact that there was little dialogue, I was still captivated by the story the entire time. It’s clear that you have a real talent for writing.

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Written for Quest 5.5
Published 31 May 2017
Updated 21 Aug 2020





