Walk in Bitter Rain: The Game by lirsintar

A game of romance and choice.

Set in the Tolkien's Legendarium, it tells the story of Mithrellas and Imrazôr Númenórean, and their unlikely love. (Note however that no prior knowledge of the characters or even of the Tolkien's works is required. The game gently introduces the player to everything that is happening; all you need is an open mind, and, more importantly, an open heart.)

This interactive story is in fact an adaptation of a traditional story, which can be found here: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11384233/1/walk-in-bitter-rain
Review by KyuJones
12 Apr 2016
Really beautiful the way it's written and some bits re-written as you make choices.
I love this scenario!
The only thing I'd like changed is the options at the end - only 2 options and the one repeats the last scene instead of coming to a different end. It seems your intention is to bring the player to the same ending eventually - but it would be nice to not HAVE to.

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